Take advantage of free shipping on any orders through the end of February! Enter promo code FEBRUARY at checkout.
This just in! If you are in the market for a home air filter, you might keep seeing the word "MERV" pop up. What is MERV and how does it relate to air filter quality? Well we took all the guesswork out with a newly added video entitled "MERV RATING EXPLAINED". The video is located by clicking on the ABOUT tab on the ABREEZEAIR.COM homepage. -Blog Host Andy amanion@ketch.org
Exiting news! In the coming days Abreezeair.com will be adding video helping home owners decide which air filters are best for certain environments. Also we will be adding a video highlighting the story of one of the individuals with disabilities here at Abreezeair.com that is a valuable member of our filter making team! Thanks for your interest in supporting our mission! -Blog Host Andy amanion@ketch.org
On behalf of the entire team at Abreezeair.com Happy Holidays and thanks to everyone for your support in 2017! -Blog Host Andy amanion@ketch.org
Thanks for visiting Abreeze! As the weather begins to get colder and many homes will use the furnace for the first time, check out our newly posted research topics listed in the ABOUT tab located at the top right corner of the Abreeze home page. This information is geared toward helping you make the best decision for you and your family when buying your home air filter. Abreeze has designed our website to help you make an informed buying decision for home environments including pets, seniors, and those who suffer from allergies. Thanks for your interest in supporting Abreezeair.com and adults with disabilities! -Blog Host Andy amanion@ketch.org